Social Studies


Author's Note:
This is a content essay the five themes of geography on Denmark.  I am focusing on location, movement, and region. Also I am using a report voice.

Seeing the sites, walking down paths, taking pictures of everything around you, you see castles, you see  bikes, and most importantly you see culture.  There are rivers and lakes everywhere you turn.  As you walk around, you can't understand much because everyone's speaking a language you have yet to learn.   At the end of the of the day, you go back to your hotel.  Only, it's not a hotel, it's a castle.  Everyone unpacks and decides to go out to eat.  Burger King and Wendy's aren't on the menu. Foods such as fish and vegetables are traditional options.  Your trip to Denmark has already been life changing.  Denmark is one of the most remarkable countries in the world.

Denmark is a small, compact country located in central Europe.  It's exact location is latitude line 54.9 and longitude line 10.2.  So it isn't quite in the western hemisphere.  Countries than surround Denmark include Sweden, the Netherlands, Norway and Germany.  It's average altitude is only 31 meters above sea level and it's highest point is 171 meters above sea level.  Overall Denmark is a small flat country, right in the middle of Europe.

Since Denmark is flat, a lot of people get around by riding bikes or driving small cars.  Another reason is because since the country is so small, there aren't many places to go and you wouldn't need a big car.  Denmark's official religion is Lutheran, which is also popular in America.  Lutheranism is the religion that is practiced by their state church.  To summarize, small cars and bikes are a popular way to get around and Lutheranism is the official religion. 

Denmark is made up entirely of islands and peninsulas.  The biggest part of Denmark is the Jutland Peninsula.  Most of the country is pretty smooth and flat, but there are some  places on the Jutland Peninsula that have large hills.  Though there aren't any mountains anywhere in Denmark.  Surrounding Denmark is the Atlantic Ocean and the Baltic Sea.  Most of the people in Denmark speak Danish or English. Lastly, Danish is the official language of the country.

Languages, religions, and cultures.  Denmark is a country of islands and flat lands.  Lutheranism is the official religion and Danish is the official language.  Surrounding countries include Sweden and the Netherlands.  The entire country isn't any bigger than half the size of Missouri and is about the same size as New Hampshire.  Finally, riding bikes and driving small cars are popular ways to get around.

Public vs Private


Author’s Note:
This is my narrative for mine and Abbi’s project Public vs. Private schools.  I am focusing on organization. 

Brookfield Academy costs $16,350 each year to attend.  Private schools all over America are expensive, but also have higher college acceptance rates, higher quality materials, and have small student teacher ratios for better learning environments.  Though public schools, which don’t have tuitions, are still fine schools.  I found that there are major differences between public and private schools academically, athletically, and extracurricular wise.  Though there are similarities too, such as they both start in September.  There are different types of private schools too.  Private schools are better schools than public schools, but they also cost a lot more.

Private schools, while they cost more, are high quality schools.  They have better and more materials in their classes and larger buildings, but less students in each class.  There are many types of private schools as well.  Such as regular private schools, religious, and boarding schools.  The first private school in America was started in about 1610 by Spanish or French explorers.  Now there are about 35,000 private schools in the United States. Lastly, most private schools are worth the money they cost.

While public schools don’t cost as much as private schools, they still are good schools.  Public schools get money from fundraisers, tax money, and the state government.  Normal public schools have larger class sizes than private schools, too.  The first public school was started in 1635 by Rev. John Cotton in Boston.   Most public schools now are just about the same and do not have as many types and private schools.  Finally, both types of schools start in September because, in the old days, American children would work on their family’s farms during the summer and the last part of spring, so schools took the summer part of the year off to make sure that kids weren’t missing school. 

The two types of schools each have differences and similarities and I wanted to know if any of this research was 100 percent correct.  So Abbi and I took a trip to Brookfield Academy for a day.  We were observing things such as their school’s standards, the types of clubs and sports they offer, and the classes.  The two of us found that their school has very high expectations, for instance, how they have to dress, how well they have to do in class and how they are supposed to act.  They are supposed to dress neat, “groomed” and are not allowed to wear tee shirts or jeans.  Finally, their athletic and club options include classic movie club, field hockey and more. 

Since private schools are better than public schools, it isn’t unexpected that there is a major cost difference.  The two schools have differences like cost, dress code, athletics, and academic standards.  Also, private schools have been around for just a little longer and was started by a Spanish or French explorer.  While public schools were started by an American in Boston.  Next, our trip to Brookfield Academy showed us that private schools do have more money for textbooks, extra rooms, and more teachers. Another fact is that private schools have many different types while public schools are mostly the same. Finally, both of the schools are great, both are fun, and both attract many students.

  1. When working in a group communicate better
  2. Stay on track with task list
  3. Get meetings set up better

Self reflection:
For this project I think that I did the best on this project than any other.  I think that getting to go on a field trip to Brookfield Academy was an experience that was fun and eye opening.  Abbi and I both worked on finding a time we could go and went in only a week.  Also, I think that I found a lot of interesting research to go with my topic.  Overall, I think that I did a good job.

Movie Effects

Author's Note:
This is on how movie effects have improved and I am mostly comparing Indiana Jones and Tron Legacy.  I am using an report voice and I am focusing on word choice.

The previews and advertisements stop.  Finally the movie starts playing on the wide, black screen.  There's lights, there's noises, and there's so many extravagant costumes that the actors are wearing.  All of the lights keep changing and the sounds are complex and robotic.  A lot of people from the eighties couldn't imagine that all of this would be possible in only twenty years.  They grew up with movies like Indiana Jones with little effects and peculiarities.  Movies have been expanding and will continue to expand in areas such as costumes, green screens, and background sounds and noises.  These advancements have made movie watching more interesting and entertaining.

One of the main advancements has been costumes.  Costumes may sound basic and non-important, but they play a huge part in the movie.  They can show a character's disposition or just portray how they are feeling that day.  Different examples of how costumes have grown are looking and Indiana Jones where all the "costumes" are really just clothes made to look adventurous.  And now with movies such as Tron Legacy, there costumes light up and are made out of plastics and rubber. 

While costumes are very important, green screens are the quintessence of a movie.  Using my example of Indiana Jones, you can easily tell that the editors are using green screens because there are black lines and they have an absence of shadows.  Thought in Tron Legacy people are in an unreal technical universe and it looks terribly real.  Presently, there are higher quality programs that allow people to easily put a person in any video or picture.  There used to be a monotony of backgrounds that could be used in movies, but now people are able to make it look like people are in Australia or in the mountains.  Overall, there are several improvements that have been made to the art of green screens.

So far, movies have costumes and green screens, the only part missing are the sounds.  Sounds have developed from playing instruments to using a computer to generate different noises and songs.  In the movie Indiana Jones, you can hear different trumpets and guitars, but not really computer noises.  Though in Tron Legacy you hear computer made songs and other edited sounds.  To summarize, there have been many additions to the several sounds and noises you hear in movies.

All of these improvements that have been made to movies have made movie watching a much more fun and enjoyable experience.  Costumes have grown by using different materials and using lights in the outfit.  Green screens have been used more and better by creating new software to make the cutting and pasting of images more realistic.  Finally, sound and music has advanced by making songs on computers and editing and changing the tone, length, or speed.

Nat Turner

A young boy was born on the night of October second, 1800.  Little did he know, he would grow up to be a strong leader for dozens of people.  This man was born with the gift of leading and observation.  The same man grouped about seventy other slaves together and took over their freedom, by killing their masters. Sixty whites might have died that day, though seventy blacks were freed.  The leader of it all, the man who had the courage to do it all, was Nat Turner.

Nat Turner was born into an enslaved family.  He worked originally for Samuel Turner, though after he died, he was sold to Joseph Travis.  Nat grew up sharing his mother's view of slavery. Taught to read by his master's son, Nat developed strong religious beliefs and encouraged by his parents, gradually began to believe that God had chosen him to lead his people out of slavery. Turner often listened to events that he and his family thought were signs from God telling them to runaway. 

In February of 1831 there was an eclipse.  The eclipse convinced Turner that it was a supernatural sign from God to start an insurrection. However, it wasn't until August 21st that Turner and about seven other slaves murdered Travis and his family to launch his rebellion. In all, about 60 whites were killed by slaves that Turner lead. 

Because of Turner, over a hundred innocent slaves were killed by chance that they would rebel.  While these slaves were killed, Turner was hiding, but he could only hide so long.  He lasted six weeks before he was found.  Although Turner said that he had led the rebellion, he plead not guilty once tried.  He was still convicted and sentenced to death.  Nat Turner was executed November 11th, 1831.  While he didn't gain rights for slaves in his lifetime, after his death, more rights were given to slaves.  Turner was basically the Martin Luther King Jr. of slaves.  While he didn't get African Americans rights while he was around, he started many more acts after his assassination.

While Turner led to the deaths of about 150 slaves, he still gave courage to other slaves showing them that they can break free from the tight ropes of their masters.  All the slaves needed was someone to start the rebellion and that person was Nat Turner. Nat Turner might have been born a slave, but he died a hero.



Author's Note:
This is a poem that shows emotions about times of slavery.  I am focusing on voice.

The selling of people
The ruins of hope
Not able to break
Or bath with nice soap

Taking loved ones
From places abandoned
Wealth is a virtue
Though can be a great sin

In the house
Or on the farm
No one thought
Of the great harm

Color is nothing
Families are something
I don't know much
But I sure no one thing

Separating families
Between hundreds of miles
Breaking relations
Breaking smiles

No more freedom
No more rights
They tried to sneak out
Late at nights

They lost their babies
Their friends, families
They were shipped out in boats
To go over seas

They got diseases
Illness and more
People took people
For some sort of "score"

They got little food
Or time to sleep
They hurt their arms
And legs and feet

Hundreds years later
Families found out
That ancestors were sold
Their family no doubt

Making them sad
Creating no good fortune
Though there is one thing
That is for certain

This never should've happened
No not one bit
Looking back on it now
It would make me sick

Dividing the country
Giving away friends
Doing this was no good
From beginning to end

North states had none
They were only in the south side
Slavery took away
From this great nation's pride