
Rube Goldberg Project



Abbie and I built a Rube Goldberg incorporating six simple machines.  We decided that we would create the machine before we decided what it would do.  Once we created a design and started to build our first Rube Goldberg, we found that it wasn't going to work.  Then Abbie had the idea of building a rough draft of our machine.  Finally, we edited and improved that draft to turn it into a well-working envelope closer.

Before getting the machine to what it was in our video, we had to find what we needed to incorporate.  We found that we had to use six simple machines.  The first was a screw, which meant that we had to have something turn multiple times.  The second was a pulley, which means that we had to lift or lower something using something else's weight.  The third was a wheel and axel, which is just a rod with a  wheel on it.  The fourth was a incline plane, which is a board facing upward. The fifth was a wedge and wedges are slanted blocks facing either upward or downward.  The last was a lever, which is basically a teeter-totter.  Finally, we incorporated an extra simple machine, a spring.

Once we found ways to incorporate ways to incorporate every simple machine, we decided it was time to build the whole Rube Goldberg. As we started building we decided that the machine would turn on a sink to fill a glass of water.  Next we found that there was no object we could use that was heavy enough to lift up the handle.  Finally, the  two of us decided to start completely over.

It was Abbie's original idea to start over and to make the frame of the new Rube Goldberg.  After the draft was completed, I helped edit out flaws and fix parts that were breaking.  Doing this made the machine more consistent.  After a while, we agreed that it was time to video tape because we thought that it was working perfectly.  We soon realized that one of the turns wasn't working.  Then we fixed that problem and tried video taping again.  The second try, the whole thing worked almost perfectly, but we decided to try again and make it work as perfect as we could.  Finally, we recorded a run that was, in my words, perfect.

Creating this was no simple task, but we managed to use six simple machines to build a consistent, well-made Rube Goldberg envelope closer.  

Self Reflection:
I think that I worked really hard on this project and got a lot done.  Abbie and I completed an entire Rube Goldberg in only three weeks.  We stayed on task when we worked and completed tasks outside of school.  Both of us found a lot on information about friction, mechanical advantage, and more.  Overall, I think that the only thing we needed to work on was time management.

  1. Use more contacts
  2. Follow task list better


Kinetic Energy

Author's Note:
This is an essay on Kinetic energy and what it is used for, how to create it, and what it is. I am using a report type voice and am focusing on word choice.

Zipping down a drop almost fifty feet tall, gliding through the air, and slicing through the turns. The person sitting next to you is screaming all the way down the hill. You're buckled up, but still scared you might fall off because it is moving so quickly. Remembering that all of your friends are riding with you makes you feel safe. The power that this machine would need, would have to be a very great amount. Once you get off, you turn around to look at it one last time, it was a roller coaster. A roller coaster is just one object that posses kinetic energy.

Kinetic energy is the energy of motion, seen as the movement of an object, particle, or set of particles. Any object in motion is using kinetic energy. For example, a person walking, a thrown baseball, even a crumb falling from a table. Objects that are not in motion possess potential energy, the other main type of energy. Basically, if it's moving, it obtains Kinetic energy.

Moving objects are everywhere, but there are some obvious examples, such as roller coasters, dribbling a basketball, or moving car. There are also a number less obvious objects such as walking, kicking, or jumping. Anything can have Kinetic energy whether it is a machine, an object, or a person. Big or small, they all use Kinetic energy.

Kinetic energy is, in my opinion, the most interesting kind of energy to learn about. Being able to understand how it is used, what it's used for, and more. Riding a bike or dribbling a basketball is all that needs to happen to obtain Kinetic energy. It can be found in a roller coaster or a falling piece of bread. Overall, Kinetic energy is the energy of a moving object.

1. " Has Synonyms, Has Antonyms |" | Free Online Thesaurus of Synonyms and Antonyms. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Apr. 2011. .
2. "Kinetic Energy." The Physics Classroom. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Apr. 2011. .
3. "Kinetic Energy." Kinetic Energy. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Apr. 2011. .

Solids Liquids and Gases of Saturn

Searching through a telescope.  Noticing all of the stars in the sky above you.  The stars, the moon, and planets are all shining so brightly.  You love being able to turn the telescope, because looking through it is like a kaleidoscope.  Everything changes in a blink of an eye just by a slight tilt. Gazing up you notice a large dot.   Your telescope lets you see the rings and color of this planet, it's Saturn.  All of the ice in the rings and the colorful gases changing the color of the planet itself.  Saturn is definitely the most beautiful planet in the sky because of this.

Saying that Saturn has a solid center is debatable, but still possible.  While Saturn might not have a rocky center, there are other solids in other places on the planet.  Such as the rings.  Each of the rings are made up of two main substances, ice and rock.  Ice is the greater substance in the rings, but there are rocky particles covered in ice that make up part as well.  The rest of Saturn is pretty much all liquids or gases.

Liquids can be found in man different parts of Saturn.  The center of Saturn has several liquids surrounding or around the area.  Closest inward you can find water and liquid metallic hydrogen.  Surrounding that is a layer of hydrogen and helium in a thick, sticky form.  The last place with liquids is one of the moons.  Titan has now had confirmed lakes of ethane which can also release mists and gases.

There are several types of gas on Saturn.  What we see from Earth is just wispy clouds of ammonia and perhaps water vapor. Below this is just hydrogen with trace amounts of helium. You would sink right down. And as you got deeper into the planet, the temperatures and pressures rise to the point that you would be crushed.  75% of the entire planet is made up of hydrogen and about 25% helium, so if placed in a big enough ocean, the planet itself would float!

From gases to solids, there are several substances floating around Saturn.  There are only two important solids, ice and rock, but there are several liquids on Saturn.  Because the largest part of the planet is made up from different gases and mists, if you put Saturn in a large enough pool, it would float right to the top.  From the core of the planet to the rings, there are many different materials flying around Saturn.


  • "Does Saturn Have a Solid Core?." Universe Today. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2011. <>.

  • "Saturn." Chris Mihos - Webhome. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2011. <>.

  • "Saturn." The Nine Planets Astronomy for Kids. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2011. <>.   


    Everyday Reactions

    Go to older posts on the home page to see Voki's

    Combining everyday household products is potentially dangerous. When mixing any products within a home, always check to make sure that it's safe.  I found that even mixing Dr. Pepper and salt gets a reaction. When cleaning a bathroom, always check that its safe to mix the cleaners or soaps being used because they can be life threatening. Lots of people know old tricks such as putting Mentos in Coke, but there are tons of other reactions you can find in any home.

    I found that combining the simplest of products something can happen. A lot of people overlook the fact that reactions are everywhere. How do you think foaming cleaners foam? By reacting to whatever is on the surface you are applying it to. Reactions happen when two or more substances come in contact with each other and have ingredients that cause anything from explosions to plain odors. So from Scrubbing Bubbles and Mr. Clean to burning wood, reactions are all around.

    Once I decided to test some of the combinations I researched, I discovered that most of the research I had originally found was supported. My first test was to see if gummy bears would melt in boiling water or stay the way that they were. My research said that they would melt and when I tested it I found that they did. The next test that I conducted was to see which has more of a reaction, combining salt and Dr Pepper or garlic salt and Dr. Pepper. The research I found said that salt would create a larger reaction and I would have to agree after conduction my experiment. Another test I tried was putting a can of either regular or diet lemon-lime soda in the snow for a two day period. I found that the regular has more a reaction. This supports the research I found. Overall, most of my results supported my research.

    The one type of combination that I wouldn't try is cleaning substances. Different chemicals in cleaning solutions can cause lots of diseases and problems when mixed together. Once combined they can cause breathing problems, other lung diseases, and other fatal issues that could potentially lead to death. Even name brand and high quality products aren't necessarily safe when mixed. People have reported breathing problems after they mixed big products such as Mr. Clean and KABOOM. Overall, just know to watch out for what is getting mixed and be sure to look at 

    Since some everyday products can create chemical reactions always check labels and make sure it is safe. There are some obvious ones like Coke and Mentos, but how about bathroom cleaners. How about gummy bears. Testing some combinations has really opened my eyes to see just how many different reactions can happen in any body's house. To conclude, mixing products at home shouldn't be taken too seriously when it comes to candy and soda, just be careful when using detergent or cleaner brands.

    Self Reflection:
    I think that I did my best work on this project. I think that I spent more time doing things and I think that I overall had a good outcome. I think I could do better on using more resources and making my task analysis accurate. Overall though I think I did pretty good.

    Goals for next project:
    - To use more resources
    - Have more accurate task analysis

    Scientific Process:

    What happens when you combine different household products?

    I thought for the two minute gummy bear test that half of the gummy bears would melt because since they contain gelatin, the candies are able to melt if heated enough. For the five minute test I thought that all of the gummy bears would melt because they would be in longer and would have more time to melt. For the salt and Dr. Pepper test I thought that the bowl would over flow while the garlic salt wouldn't do anything. For the can of soda in the snow test I thought that the diet would not do anything while the regular soda would explode. Finally, I thought that putting sugar in cran-grapefruit juice would have more of a reaction that sweetener.

    Experimental Design:
    o Gummy bears
    o Water
    o Pot
    o Stove
    o Strainer
    o Sink
    o Timer
    o Dr. Pepper
    o Salt
    o Garlic Salt
    o Large bowl
    o Can of regular soda(not coke)
    o Can of diet soda (not coke)
    o Snow
    o Cran-grapefruit juice
    o Sugar
    o Sweetener

    Gummy bear
    CV- Amount of gummy bears, stove, and amount of water
    IV- Time that they are boiling
    DV- The water temperature

    Dr. Pepper
    CV- Amount of Dr. Pepper, amount of added salt, and the bowl.
    IV- Kind of salt

    Soda in snow
    CV- Roughly the same temperature and same type of soda
    IV- Whether the soda is diet or regular
    EV- The amount of snow

    CV- Amount of sugar or sweetener, amount of juice, and kind of juice.
    IV- Whether I used sugar or sweetener

    Gummy bear
    First what I did was I gathered all of my materials needed for this test. Next, I placed the pot on the stove, before it's hot, and added two cups of water. Next I placed in ten gummy bears. Then I turned the heat to high and waited for it to boil. Once it did, I had it boil for two minutes. After two minutes I took the pot over to my sink and dumped into a strainer to see if they all had melted. Afterward, I went back to the stove and, on a different burner, repeated putting in two cups of water and ten gummy bears, turning the heat to high, and now I waited for five minutes. Once the time was up, I did the same thing. I took the pot over to the sink and dumped it into a strainer.

    Dr. Pepper
    My first step was to gather all of my materials for this test. Next I took the large bowl and added a tablespoon of regular salt. After that, I poured in a liter of Dr. Pepper and waited. Once I recorded what happened I dumped the bowl into the sink. My next step was to put in a tablespoon of garlic salt into the bowl. Finally I put the last liter of Dr. Pepper in and waited to record my results.

    Can of soda
    First I got a can of regular lemon-lime soda and diet lemon-lime soda and put them in my fridge. Next I took the diet can outside and place it completely in the snow just before I left for school. The next day after school I checked to see if anything happened. The day after that I put the regular soda in the snow at the same time and waited the same number of days. I recorded my results and took the can out of the snow.

    First I had to convince my dad to take me to Panera. Next, I took a soft drink cup and filled it with their cran-grapefruit juice. After that, I took a packet of sugar and went into the bathroom. I dumped in the sugar over the sink to see what would happen. Finally, I refilled my cup and did the same process as the sugar, but with sweetener this time.



    All of the tests were pretty accurate though there were some external variables.  For the putting a can of soda in the soda test, the external variable was that for the regular soda it was completely covered in snow because of the big downfall we got and it probably wouldn't have any room to do anything.  Also the test with Dr. Pepper the external variable was that there might have been some salt in with the garlic salt because I used the same measuring spoon.  Though overall the tests were mostly accurate.


    • "Bathroom Safety Tips |" eHow | How To Do Just About Everything! | How To Videos & Articles. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Feb. 2011. <>.
    • Category. "Chemistry in Everyday Life - Articles, Home Experiments, How Things Work." Chemistry - Periodic Table, Chemistry Projects, and Chemistry Homework Help. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Feb. 2011. <>.
    • Sandhyarani, Ningthoujam. "Chemical Reactions in Everyday Life." Buzzle Web Portal: Intelligent Life on the Web. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Feb. 2011. <>.
    • "URGENT!!! HELP!!! I just mixed 3 different bathroom cleaners, am i going to die?!??!??? please help? - Yahoo! Answers." Yahoo! Answers - Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Feb. 2011. <


      Author's Note:
      I was inspired to write about chinchillas when I was thinking about exotic animals I could research. I am focusing on organization.

      Quietly rustling through the sand on another humid day out in the wild.  Eating a cactus and basking under the cooling mid-day breeze.  Scurrying around the desert on dainty little feet.  Not being threatened by prowling animals. Distracting the predator by shedding the fur from where they have locked on to a defenseless back.   The highly curved spine extends as it dashes away from the predator.  The only animal active enough that this day could belong to, would be the chinchilla. 

      Most wild chinchillas live in or near the Andes Mountains of South America.  They like it there because it's perfect for their natural needs.  The dry, mountainous environment allows them burrow into crevices of rocks and make a home.  Their thick fur allows them to withstand temperatures as low as fifty five to sixty degrees.  
      A chinchilla's fur is only half as fascinating as the bone structure of one.  It has a spine that makes a curve that is close to a semicircle.  The arc allows the chinchilla to run swiftly and jump distances up to six feet.  Its top jaw bone overlaps the bottom bone making it look almost like buckteeth. Chinchilla’s feet are furry pads that are separated into small fingers.  The total skeleton of a chinchilla is a very complex and unique structure that almost no other animal has.

      Since they are so small, predators see them as an easy meal.  Common predators are skunks, large birds, and wild dogs.  If a wild dog were to bite a chinchilla, a natural instinct is to shed the fur from where they were bitten and to spray urine at the predator.  This could distract a predator, giving the chinchilla time to run away.  In general, chinchillas aren't that easy to capture in the wild.   The main threat to a chinchilla are human poachers that try to capture them.

      Chinchillas are very active animals.  Between saving themselves from dogs to making a home in between rocks, they can have extremely busy days.  One might be able to find a wild chinchilla burrowed in the Andes Mountains or somewhere in the surrounding area.   A chinchilla’s fur isn't just soft and fluffy, it is used to stay warm and as a defense against predators.  Finally, chinchillas are small attentive creatures that can be found scurrying around South America on their pad-like feet.

      • "Chinchilla Facts." Chinchilla Planet - A Guide for Pet Owners. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Feb. 2011. <>.
      • "Chinchilla Facts - Information on Chinchillas." Chinchilla Facts - Information on Chinchillas. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Feb. 2011. <>.
      • "X ray of a healthy chinchilla image by phillipnsarah on Photobucket." Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Feb. 2011. <>. 

        Psychology Project


        Lying on a bed.  Talking to some guy who says he's a "professional".  Pouring all you emotions into him.   This is how most people imagine psychology.  The everyday person may think that a psychologist is a person that you go and talk to for a period of time every Tuesday every other week, but psychologists are also people who put time into researching our brain and how we think or feel, to come up with theories about how people live or communicate.  When we tested some common theories all of the statements and outcomes that the original psychologist discovered were true.  Different psychologists may research only one or two topics from the six major parts of psychology.  Psychologists that can discover astonishing theories such as the ones we researched, should be greatly celebrated for how much research and knowledge they have given us.

        Two well know psychologists are Erik Erikson and Lawrence Kohlberg.  Kohlberg had high interest theories in moral development and Erikson had important theories in social development.  The six major parts of psychology are cognitive, behavioral, development, social, humanist, and personality.  Behavioral theories show how you act with others and how you may feel inside.  Development theories show how you can grow in maturity and conformity through out your life.  Social theories show how you communicate with others in a group or community.  Humanist theories describe basic traits that every human has.   Personality theories describe your emotions and how you are feeling.  Many psychologists have researched these topics and have found so much research you can’t even believe.

        We decided to test three major theories, two that were discovered by Kohlberg or Erikson.  The first is called the bystander effect.  The bystander effect shows how people would see or here something bad going on, but they are two afraid or worried something might happen.  The show What Would You Do is all about showing circumstances applying the bystander effect.  Our second theory is called Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development.  For this theory someone would get a scenario describing someone doing something that is wrong, but for the good of someone else.   At the end, the reader asks the listener if the person should have done the wrong act, even though it would help someone else.  Our last theory was Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial Development.  This theory shows that the older someone might gets, the more likely you are to think about what others think or say about you.  We found that many of these tests ended up exactly how the original psychologists described.

        Based upon these theories, we designed three tests to prove or disprove the original research.  Our findings in the theory of moral development and theory of psychosocial development supported the research we found on what Erikson and Kohlberg found.  The test for the bystander effect somewhat supported the research we found, because normally the natural instinct for a person when they see something bad happening is to stay away and not get in the middle.  Though in our tests about a fourth of the bystanders stood up for the victim.  Overall, our tests supported the original research we found.

        Psychologists aren't therapists, they are more like scientists who study your mind to find how different people think and feel.  When the two of us tested three common theories, our results supported original research on the theory.  Different types of psychologists could research maybe one or two parts from the six major sections of psychology.  Psychologists who found major theories, like the ones we researched, are just one occupation that gives so much knowledge to the world and should be thanked immensely for the research they have given us.

        - To use a new type of technology for my next project
        - To get at least a 85% on my essay for my next project

        Self Reflection
        On this project I think that I did better than my last project.  I think that I had a better choice for my technical part and I think that I worked really well with Kati.  Also, I think that my essay was clearer and thought out more.  Finally, I think that the two of us created a really good project.

        E. Coli

        Author's Note:
        This is a content essay on E. coli and what affects it has on people and in lakes and rivers. I am focusing on the organization part of the writing rubric.

        E. coli is a small, warm blooded bacteria that infested Pewaukee Lake for almost two weeks last summer.It can cause illnesses such as fever, stomach ache, and more annoying and painful symptoms. This bacteria is sometimes found in food, such as meat and dairy products. To treat E. coli infections, one can either wait it out for about five to ten days, or take specific medicines to treat your fever or stomach aches. Swimmers or boaters should always check the news or with life guards to make sure lakes are clean. There are little steps you can take to stay E. coli free, too. Lastly, E. coli is one of the most disgusting things that you can have swarming on your body.

        First, E. coli's entire name is Escherichia coli. It is a small and oval shaped bacteria that, when infected, can cause illnesses. It can contaminates foods, open air, and water, most often. When it contaminated Pewaukee Lake, some people still went swimming even though they knew about the E. coli. Lakes and rivers get infested with E. coli by when the clouds pick it up somewhere else, and it rains into the lake. When swimming in any lake, try not to swallow the water because the water may have tiny traces of E. coli in it and you could get sick. Finally, E. coli is supposed to be noticed and taken seriously, but health officials try hard to keep their beaches clean and swimmers shouldn't worry too much about it.

        Most people hear about E. coli infesting lakes, rivers, or large waters, but how about food. Yes, many foods could have E. coli traces and cause the same affects on your body. The most common foods with E. coli, are meats or dairy products. Raw meats can get infected, if the animal had an E. coli infection in it already. Dairy, since it is made from milk, it could have picked it up from the animal it came from, too. All in all, check the brand of these foods before consuming.

        As people, we can't really prevent all E. coli in the world, but we can inform others if we know something infected. If a certain beach is closed for E. coli, don't swim. If a certain cheese is recalled for E. coli, don't eat it. Ways to get rid of E. coli are one of two things, you can wait it out, which takes five to ten days or you can buy special antibiotics such as nonchromosamal antibiotics. For it to not spread, wash your hands and take several showers everyday. In conclusion, E. coli should try to be avoided whenever possible.

        E. coli isn't as dangerous as some may think, but it is something to avoid. When infected with E. coli, try taking special antibiotics to cure your stomach aches and fever. Make sure when buying a new meat or dairy product, that it isn't contaminated with E. coli. Swimming and boating can be fun, but check with a lifeguard to make sure that your beach is E. coli free. To conclude E. coli is gross and disgusting, but shouldn't be over exaggerated.