Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Movie Effects

Author's Note:
This is on how movie effects have improved and I am mostly comparing Indiana Jones and Tron Legacy.  I am using an report voice and I am focusing on word choice.

The previews and advertisements stop.  Finally the movie starts playing on the wide, black screen.  There's lights, there's noises, and there's so many extravagant costumes that the actors are wearing.  All of the lights keep changing and the sounds are complex and robotic.  A lot of people from the eighties couldn't imagine that all of this would be possible in only twenty years.  They grew up with movies like Indiana Jones with little effects and peculiarities.  Movies have been expanding and will continue to expand in areas such as costumes, green screens, and background sounds and noises.  These advancements have made movie watching more interesting and entertaining.

One of the main advancements has been costumes.  Costumes may sound basic and non-important, but they play a huge part in the movie.  They can show a character's disposition or just portray how they are feeling that day.  Different examples of how costumes have grown are looking and Indiana Jones where all the "costumes" are really just clothes made to look adventurous.  And now with movies such as Tron Legacy, there costumes light up and are made out of plastics and rubber. 

While costumes are very important, green screens are the quintessence of a movie.  Using my example of Indiana Jones, you can easily tell that the editors are using green screens because there are black lines and they have an absence of shadows.  Thought in Tron Legacy people are in an unreal technical universe and it looks terribly real.  Presently, there are higher quality programs that allow people to easily put a person in any video or picture.  There used to be a monotony of backgrounds that could be used in movies, but now people are able to make it look like people are in Australia or in the mountains.  Overall, there are several improvements that have been made to the art of green screens.

So far, movies have costumes and green screens, the only part missing are the sounds.  Sounds have developed from playing instruments to using a computer to generate different noises and songs.  In the movie Indiana Jones, you can hear different trumpets and guitars, but not really computer noises.  Though in Tron Legacy you hear computer made songs and other edited sounds.  To summarize, there have been many additions to the several sounds and noises you hear in movies.

All of these improvements that have been made to movies have made movie watching a much more fun and enjoyable experience.  Costumes have grown by using different materials and using lights in the outfit.  Green screens have been used more and better by creating new software to make the cutting and pasting of images more realistic.  Finally, sound and music has advanced by making songs on computers and editing and changing the tone, length, or speed.

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