A young boy was born on the night of October second, 1800. Little did he know, he would grow up to be a strong leader for dozens of people. This man was born with the gift of leading and observation. The same man grouped about seventy other slaves together and took over their freedom, by killing their masters. Sixty whites might have died that day, though seventy blacks were freed. The leader of it all, the man who had the courage to do it all, was Nat Turner.
Nat Turner was born into an enslaved family. He worked originally for Samuel Turner, though after he died, he was sold to Joseph Travis. Nat grew up sharing his mother's view of slavery. Taught to read by his master's son, Nat developed strong religious beliefs and encouraged by his parents, gradually began to believe that God had chosen him to lead his people out of slavery. Turner often listened to events that he and his family thought were signs from God telling them to runaway.
In February of 1831 there was an eclipse. The eclipse convinced Turner that it was a supernatural sign from God to start an insurrection. However, it wasn't until August 21st that Turner and about seven other slaves murdered Travis and his family to launch his rebellion. In all, about 60 whites were killed by slaves that Turner lead.
Because of Turner, over a hundred innocent slaves were killed by chance that they would rebel. While these slaves were killed, Turner was hiding, but he could only hide so long. He lasted six weeks before he was found. Although Turner said that he had led the rebellion, he plead not guilty once tried. He was still convicted and sentenced to death. Nat Turner was executed November 11th, 1831. While he didn't gain rights for slaves in his lifetime, after his death, more rights were given to slaves. Turner was basically the Martin Luther King Jr. of slaves. While he didn't get African Americans rights while he was around, he started many more acts after his assassination.
While Turner led to the deaths of about 150 slaves, he still gave courage to other slaves showing them that they can break free from the tight ropes of their masters. All the slaves needed was someone to start the rebellion and that person was Nat Turner. Nat Turner might have been born a slave, but he died a hero.