Author's Note:
This is a content essay on E. coli and what affects it has on people and in lakes and rivers. I am focusing on the organization part of the writing rubric.
E. coli is a small, warm blooded bacteria that infested Pewaukee Lake for almost two weeks last summer.It can cause illnesses such as fever, stomach ache, and more annoying and painful symptoms. This bacteria is sometimes found in food, such as meat and dairy products. To treat E. coli infections, one can either wait it out for about five to ten days, or take specific medicines to treat your fever or stomach aches. Swimmers or boaters should always check the news or with life guards to make sure lakes are clean. There are little steps you can take to stay E. coli free, too. Lastly, E. coli is one of the most disgusting things that you can have swarming on your body.
First, E. coli's entire name is Escherichia coli. It is a small and oval shaped bacteria that, when infected, can cause illnesses. It can contaminates foods, open air, and water, most often. When it contaminated Pewaukee Lake, some people still went swimming even though they knew about the E. coli. Lakes and rivers get infested with E. coli by when the clouds pick it up somewhere else, and it rains into the lake. When swimming in any lake, try not to swallow the water because the water may have tiny traces of E. coli in it and you could get sick. Finally, E. coli is supposed to be noticed and taken seriously, but health officials try hard to keep their beaches clean and swimmers shouldn't worry too much about it.
Most people hear about E. coli infesting lakes, rivers, or large waters, but how about food. Yes, many foods could have E. coli traces and cause the same affects on your body. The most common foods with E. coli, are meats or dairy products. Raw meats can get infected, if the animal had an E. coli infection in it already. Dairy, since it is made from milk, it could have picked it up from the animal it came from, too. All in all, check the brand of these foods before consuming.
As people, we can't really prevent all E. coli in the world, but we can inform others if we know something infected. If a certain beach is closed for E. coli, don't swim. If a certain cheese is recalled for E. coli, don't eat it. Ways to get rid of E. coli are one of two things, you can wait it out, which takes five to ten days or you can buy special antibiotics such as nonchromosamal antibiotics. For it to not spread, wash your hands and take several showers everyday. In conclusion, E. coli should try to be avoided whenever possible.
E. coli isn't as dangerous as some may think, but it is something to avoid. When infected with E. coli, try taking special antibiotics to cure your stomach aches and fever. Make sure when buying a new meat or dairy product, that it isn't contaminated with E. coli. Swimming and boating can be fun, but check with a lifeguard to make sure that your beach is E. coli free. To conclude E. coli is gross and disgusting, but shouldn't be over exaggerated.