Thursday, January 6, 2011


Author's Note:
I chose to write about Picasso because his life interested me as I got more and more research.    I am focusing on conventions.

A young boy, sitting right next to his father, is on the edge of his seat.  Watching as the riders enter the arena.  Crowd cheering and standing on their toes.  The bullfight began.  Little did observers know that the little boy would start what's known today as one of the greatest art forms ever.  That boy was Pablo Picasso. 

Pablo Picasso was inspired by anything he saw or felt.  He was a natural painter from the start and had family helping him move forward.  His father was an art teacher himself and taught Pablo.  As a teenager, Picasso went to great places to see art and to be inspired with.  He went to Barcelonan cafés, Paris, anywhere he could find art.  When he was only fourteen, he started to study at the School of Fine Art in La Coruna, Spain.  When his family moved to Barcelona, Spain, in 1896, Picasso easily gained entrance to the School of Fine Arts. A year later he was admitted as an advanced student at the Royal Academy of San Fernando in Madrid, Spain. He demonstrated his remarkable ability by completing in one day an entrance examination for which an entire month was permitted.  Everyone then noticed how truly amazing Picasso was.

Once Pablo left the school, he began to study on his own about historical and contemporary art. Between 1900 and 1903, Picasso lived in Paris, Barcelona, and France.  Picasso used many different pallets through his life, but is remembered for his Rose Period and the Blue Period.  The Rose Period consisted of pinks, beiges, reds, and other light tones.  While the Blue Period were colors such as blue, tan, and black.  He tried many other styles and forms such as realism and caricature before he started cubism. 

The art form of Cubism was created by Picasso.  Cubism changed the way people sculpted, drew, painted, and even how they wrote! In cubist artworks, objects are broken up, analyzed, and re-assembled in an abstracted form. Instead of depicting objects from one viewpoint, the artist depicts the subject from a multitude of viewpoints. Often the surfaces intersect at seemingly random angles. The background and object planes interpenetrate one another to create the shallow space, this is one of cubism's distinct characteristics.

Pablo Picasso was an artistic legend and his name will probably live on forever.  He started the great form of cubism, new pallets, and several great pieces of artwork in his lifetime.  Picasso traveled through Europe for inspiration and knowledge, though had a dad who taught him too.  Through his life he was creative and inspired by many thoughts around him.  This great artist didn't make or mold, create or design, no, Pablo Picasso dreamed.

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